Idioms: fall for that -- fall on your sword

fall for that believe that, eat that Surely you're not going to fall for that story. It's nonsense.
fall head over heels (See head over heels)
fall ill to become sick or infected, come down with Just before the concert, Wolfgang fell ill and was unable to play his last composition.
fall in line do as others are doing, obey orders Although Barry doesn't like the new rules, he'll fall in line.
fall in love begin to love, feel romantic about, head over heels Michael and Rose have fallen in love. They're very happy.
fall into a trap be tricked, be deceived When the lawyer asks questions, don't fall into a trap.
fall into my lap find without looking, receive without asking Reg got another job offer today. Things seem to fall into his lap.
fall off the wagon become drunk again, return to a bad habit The old man fell off the wagon. He got drunk last night.
fall on deaf ears talk to people who will not listen, really deaf If you talk to the workers about management's problems, your message will fall on deaf ears.
fall on your sword quit, resign, pull the pin I know I caused the problem, but I won't fall on my sword. They'll have to fire me.
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