Idioms: do lunch -- do unto others as you would have them do unto you

do lunch have lunch together, eat lunch We'll do lunch tomorrow, OK? Do you like salad?
do me love me, make love to me Paul sang, "When she really done me, she done me good!"
do me for/do me until supply me until, last me, tide me over "Got lots of shampoo?" "Enough to do me for a week or so."
do me in kill me, knock me off I hope no one wants to do me in. I want to live a few more years.
do or die last chance to win, it's now or never It's do or die. If we lose this game, we'll be out of the series.
do the honors do the task for the leader, fill in for the leader The Mayor can't speak to us, so Mr. Kelly will do the honors.
do the town celebrate or party all over town On July 1, we'll do the town. We'll really celebrate.
do the trick solve the problem, help, that's the ticket If you need a lubricant, Vaseline will do the trick.
do time be in prison, be in a penitentiary He's doing time for sexual assault. He's in for five years.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you treat people the way you would like to be treated This is The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
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