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The Black Stallion
Narrated by Frank Muller
Written by Walter Farley
ESL English Listening :: Adult Literacy

      "I always grew up dreaming about animals and friendships with them. To this day I still love books that have a focal point of a human and an animal's friendship."
       "Being able to come back to read this book again, after a decade apart, it feels like I never left. The awe is still there. The joy is there. The thrill! The excitement! All my heart's elation in the freedom of a horse's stride is in this! Awe and respect and admiration for an animal as beautiful and impossibly real to my heart as the Black. There's nothing quite like it in all this world: the beauty of an animal who, in all its magnificence and power, became friends with a human, and together, who changed everything"
       "It's fantastic. It's wonderful. It stirs that spirit inside you to life. It reminds you that you can fly."
        "Maybe if you're not a horse lover or animal lover, you might be afraid you won't enjoy this story. But it's a book that has enough thrills and excitement to entertain anyone."
       "My sincere hope is that you'll find it as much a joy and pleasure as I have, and millions have before me."

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