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In the Time of the Butterflies
Written by Julia Alvarez

This novel, although partially fictionalized, tells the true story of a dark era of the Dominican Republic's history. General Rafael Trujillo was dictator of the Dominican Republic from 1930-1961.

Alvarez' novel tells the incredible story of the three Mirabal sisters who were a part of the underground movement to overthrow Trujillo and were known underground as Las Mariposas (The Butterflies).

"Julia Alvarez provides us with a haunting story about the radicalization of middle class women, caught in the web of the Trujillo's oppressive regimes. The novel is based on a true story that allows Julia to penetrate the inner mind of what women in similar shoes might have thought and felt. She captures so beautifully the small and large moments that occur in our lives, that change our minds and our hearts, so that we end up in a totally different place than we thought we would be. I admit I didn't want to read the novel at first, as I find it too disturbing to read about militancy and torture. But this book is really about what makes us human, or not, and how to live the best life we can in the circumstances within which we find ourselves."   -mcthom

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